Full Day
Breakfast Only
Lunch Only
Dinner Only
B&L Only
L&D Only
B&D Only
Low Season
High Season
Fort. St. John
$149 per night
$110 per night
$129 per night
Lower Mainland
$129 per night
Prince George
$115 per night
$129 per night
$159 per night
$129 per night
$159 per night
$110 per night
Step OneTo access the system, applicants first need a Business BCeID account. While it takes 15 minutes to complete the application, it can take up to three weeks to receive your BCeID. If you already have a BCeID then proceed to Step Two.
Step TwoDecide which Building It Right courses that you wish to take and register for them.
NOTE: A SEPARATE APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED FOR EACH COURSE. A program may be made up of multiple courses. A separate application must be submitted for each course within a program. Multiple participants taking the same course may be included on a single application. |
Step ThreeNow you apply for your funding. The new B.C. Employer Training Grant ETG Web Application is now available and must be used for new applications, simplifying the submission process for employers through the entire grant process.
Step FourImmediately after completing any course apply for your reimbursement. It is emphasized that the time window to apply for this reimbursement is very short after completion of each course.
For assistance and questions regarding the B.C. Employer Training Grant Program, one can contact WorkBC directly.
Please Note: Constructive Home Solutions Inc. dba Building It Right (Building It Right) is aware that there may be various funding and grants (“Funding”) available to the client which allow for the reimbursement by the Government of British Columbia of up to two thirds of education costs and most of travel and accommodation costs for remote communities. However, Building It Right in no way guarantees that any Funding applied for by the client will be granted and no liability shall rest on Building It Right if any applications for such Funding are denied, and the client shall have no recourse against Building It Right for any denied Funding applications.
Copyright 2015 - 2025 Constructive Home Solutions Inc.