Live performances of The Fundamentals, are now complete. Online delivery of this course is now available.
With the advent of high energy efficiency requirements described by upcoming step codes, high levels of detail must be addressed even before the ground is broken. There are only two outcomes for building homes moving forward: durable comfortable affordable, or catastrophic failure. This course describes how to develop these overall designs using the underlying science and practical implementation of systems, technology and craftsmanship to achieve success...
Part 1: Introduction and General Concepts
Part 1: Introduction and General Concepts (3.5 hours)
The fundamentals of Building Science as it applies to Part 9 (Small Structures) Homes in Canada.
The concept of the whole house as a system.
Why Building Science? Because it is the need to predict performance without the benefit of trial by time to prove construction types.
How to achieve these energy goals while maintaining a home that people want to live in.
A discussion about the evolving regulatory environment.
The importance of understanding Building Science at all levels of design and construction to ensure viable buildings.
Explore climate change influences the design process.
Discuss carbon footprint considerations.
Develop an understanding of the Step Code.
Part 2: The Science to Achieve the Goals
Part 2: The Science to Achieve the Goals (3.5 hours)
Overview of important concepts of Building Science with regards to Part 9 homes.
Examine the range and scope of potential moisture issues.
Discuss water control concepts when it is in its three forms: liquid, vapour and solid.
Analyze psychometrics of mechanical systems and their role in energy efficiency.
Describe the goal of the comfort of the home.
Part 3: General Building Envelope System Types and Strategies
Part 3: General Building Envelope System Types and Strategies (3.5 hours)
Describe mass and lightweight structures
Present Building Envelope strategies of the various planes of protection that include air barrier, vapour barrier, insulation, and hygrothermal.
Describe methods of testing and confirming the viability of designs.
Methods of predicting and modelling overall thermal resistance performance.
Reinforcing the “house as a whole” concept.
Part 4: Creating an Overall Building System Strategy
Part 4: Creating an Overall Building System Strategy (3.5 hours)
The parties that are required to create the overall design.
Below grade considerations.
Above grade considerations.
Roof considerations.
Mechanical considerations.
Transitions, how to achieve continuity.
Part 5: Required details and Their Execution
Part 5: Required details and Their Execution (3.5 hours)
Windows, doors and penetration details that complement a variety of building strategies.
Vetted and tested types of assemblies.
Maintaining one design ideal throughout the entire project.
Part 6: Regional Considerations and Mechanicals
Part 6: Regional Considerations and Mechanicals (3.5 hours)
Overall mechanical strategies and goals.
Making the structure net-zero ready.
Seismic and high wind load considerations.
Radon gas mitigation.
Local environment considerations.
Security and safety considerations.
Accessibility considerations.
The Fundamentals of Building Science for High Energy Efficiency Homes