Your report card confirms that you have achieved Credit for modules 1, 2, 3, and 6 of the Mandatory Step Code training. Congratulations! Your previous learning through Building It Right has already got you part way through the new Builder Licensing requirements. To complete your training, you can now sign up for and complete Step 3 Mandatory Training ( https://buildingitright.com/step3online.html ) for the modules that you still require (4, 5, 7, & 8). This will complete the required 8 modules and you will receive 2.5 CPD credits for each module that you complete (10 CPD Credits in this example). A second option is to take all 8 of the Modules and complete the Mandatory Step Code training and receive the full 20 CPD credits! BC Housing has confirmed that all of these Modules are pre-approved for new CPD Credits despite the Credits granted on your report card. Building It Right is honoured to be one of the leading CPD educators in BC. We strive every day to expand the understanding of Building Science as it affects our clients and to deliver the very best learning possible! |
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